Don’t PRACTICAL It, ENERGY ItMy favorite deck of oracle cards is “Magical Mermaids & Dolphins”, created by Doreen Virtue, PhD. One of the cards bears these words: “YES…Jan 14, 2022Jan 14, 2022
Birth of a WitchOooh, big-ass woo-woo revelation! I’m a witch! A real, house-haunting, broom-riding, cauldron-stirring witch.*Nov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
Pay the PiperIn support of professional artists (including writers, photographers, performers, etc), alternative healers, and intuitives:May 16, 2018May 16, 2018
Pocket Full of ChangeThese four sets of coins show the things I have always wanted, backed with their opposites. Rich/poor, fat/thin, married/single…Jan 9, 2017Jan 9, 2017
7 Ways to Have Fun on Facebook and Enjoy Your LifeIn “7 Ways to Be Insufferable on Facebook”, by Tim Urban, on…Jun 24, 2016Jun 24, 2016
Tribute to a Step-MomShe and my dad were married almost 28 years. I was 24 when they wed, so I did not have the chance to know her in my formative years. It’s a…Jan 10, 2016Jan 10, 2016
10 Reasons Why Houston Is Better than Austin1. Speed limit — Houston drivers actually meet and regularly exceed it. In Austin, there is no speed limit, because everyone goes 45 or 50…Nov 24, 2015Nov 24, 2015
The Old Man in the James Avery StoreAn old man walked into the James Avery store in Pearland on Saturday. He approached the lady behind the counter and held out the latest…Nov 23, 2015Nov 23, 2015
Whence Cometh Our PainEver been attacked? Bullied? Cyber-picked-on? Outright screamed at?Nov 17, 2015Nov 17, 2015